Gym Trading Hours

Please take note of our upcoming December holiday trading hours:

15 - 17 December 2023 : 08h00 - 12h00
18 - 22 December 2023 : 08h00 - 17h00
23 - 26 December 2023 : Closed
27 - 29 December 2023 : 08h00 - 17h00
30 - 31 December 2023 : Closed
1 - 2 January 2024 : Closed
3 - 5 January 2024 : 08h00 - 19h00


if you want to be a hit in life,you gotta be fit and fine

No matter the season, if you need a highly effective training plan to blitz yourself into your ideal body shape, you’re in the right place.

This four-week plan has been designed to deliver the maximum bang for your back.

Give it everything you’ve got and see how much you can change your body for the better in just one month.

our process

we do our work by process

join us

New and Exciting Reopening Promotions and Specials !

suitable time

There are many classes available to suit your time schedule

daily workout

Whether you are training or weight lifting, wish to tone or shape up before summer we are here for you

get results

Cardio, Strength Training, Swimming will get you results in no time !

What We Offer

Personal Training

We have multiple in-house personal trainers available to our members. Please ask at the front counter for more info.

Super Circuits

Super circuits are a great way to optimise your training time. Studies have shown that they can burn up to 200 calories in 20 minutes.

Weight Training

We offer a wide range of weight lifting/training equipment to help you in targeting all the various muscle groups..

Indoor Swimming

Our members can make use of our full size, indoor heated pool. We also offer swimming classes for adults and kids.


The benefits if of cardio are numerous. Make use of our full range of cardio equipment to meet your health and fitness goals.

Squash Courts

Health World Fitness Gym has 3 full size squash courts on the upper level of our premises.

Tips for a great workout

Going to the gym

Make your gym sessions more effective by planning ahead. Before heading to the gym, set specific goals for your workout, decide on the exercises you want to focus on, and pack your gym bag with all the essentials, such as a water bottle, towel, and proper attire. This preparation will help you stay focused, save time, and make the most out of your gym visit.

Getting motivated with a playlist

Music can be a powerful motivator during your workout. Create a high-energy playlist that includes your favorite upbeat tracks, tailored to your taste and fitness goals. The right music can help boost your mood, increase your energy levels, and keep you motivated throughout your entire workout session. Consider using wireless headphones to enhance your experience and eliminate distractions.

Start your workout with a warmup

Prioritize warming up before diving into intense exercises. Spend 5-10 minutes performing dynamic stretches and low-impact movements to increase your heart rate, improve circulation, and loosen up your muscles and joints. A proper warm-up reduces the risk of injury, enhances your performance, and prepares your body for the demands of your workout. Incorporate exercises like jumping jacks, lunges, and arm circles to get your body ready for action. Remember, a good warm-up sets the foundation for an effective workout.

Why choose us

push your limit forward

modern equipment

Our gym is equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, designed to provide you with the latest advancements in exercise technology and enhance your workout experience.

nutrition plan

Our experienced nutritionists will work with you to create a personalized nutrition plan, tailored to your goals and dietary needs, ensuring you have the proper fuel to support your fitness journey.

professional training

Our team of trainers are dedicated to guiding and motivating you throughout your fitness journey, providing expert instruction and personalized training programs to help you reach your goals efficiently and effectively.

guaranteed results

We are committed to delivering measurable and sustainable results. With our proven methods and support, we guarantee that you'll see positive changes in your body, fitness level, and overall well-being.